Primary Health Sites
MedlinePlus is for anyone with a medical question. Receive accurate, current medical information in English or Spanish. Links to 7 medical dictionaries/glossaries, 3 lists of medical dictionaries, more than 30 clearinghouses, 50+ associations, more than 25 databases and over 25 Consumer Health Libraries.
Medscape Reference
This is a new very complete patient reference tool from Medscape. It provides a wealth of information on a wide range of medical issues in a very easy to navigate format.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The CDC provides credible information to enhance health decisions and promotes health through strong partnerships with state health departments and other organizations.
National Institute of Health (NIH)
NIH is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Includes 27 government institutes and links including AIDS and Women’s Health.
New York Online Access to Health (NOAH)
NOAH offers comprehensive coverage of health topics with links to full-text. Topics include definitions, care and treatment, and lists of information resources. Bilingual
resources available.
Healthfinder is an award-winning federal website for consumers. It is a key resource for finding the best government and nonprofit health and human services information; links to carefully selected information and websites from over 1,500 health-related organizations.
The Mayo Clinic Patient Information Center
One of the best and most complete resources in the country for consumer health information, The Mayo Clinic site provides a wealth of excellent information on symptoms, treatment options, and general information about medical conditions.
One of the real treasures in consumer health information, Doctor Radio offers a round the clock schedule of call-in shows hosted by renown doctors from the NYU Langone Medical Center. There is a moderate monthly subscription fee to listen online, but the ability to ask any medical question you have to an expert doctor is well worth it.
Alternative Medicine
National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine
NCCAM is the lead federal agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Alternative Medicine Foundation
Alternative Medicine Foundation offers evidence-based information on the integration of alternative and conventional medicine.
Cancer Resources
National Cancer Institute
Links to cancer information, in English and Spanish. Includes clinical trials database; treatment, screening, prevention, and supportive care information summaries; statistics; CANCERLIT literature database; information on research programs and funding.
American Cancer Society
Information for patients and families on diagnosis and treatment, cancer prevention, alternative treatments, links to other cancer resources. Spanish and Asian language publications are available. Links to resources and ACS activities in your local community.
Mesothelioma and Asbestos
A cancer that deeply affects families throughout the country, Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos can be found in many places such as houses, fire stations, or in Naval Shipyards. It is a dangerous material because it only takes limited exposure to the fibers for them to become deadly. Over time, this cancer spreads throughout the body, affecting other vital organs as well.
Heart Disease & Stroke
American Heart Association
Heart disease and stroke treatment and recovery, risk assessment, prevention, exercise, nutrition, and the “Heart and Stroke A-Z Guide.”
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Information on heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, obesity, exercise, and cholesterol. Some publications available in Spanish. Information for African-Americans.
American Diabetes Association
Basic diabetes information plus advice on nutrition, weight loss and exercise; legal resources & community programs.
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
A-Z list of diabetes topics and titles.
Weight Management and Diabetes
Drugs, Prescriptions, OTC
Drug InfoNet
A variety of health-related topics. Information ranging from pamphlets to manufacturers’ websites. Search by brand name, manufacturer, or generic name.
This resource is provided to help narrow your search to specific, targeted drug information. Information is available for both consumers and healthcare professionals on over 24,000 prescription and over the counter medicines available primarily in the USA.
Nutrition Resources
American Dietetic Association
Healthy lifestyle and nutrition tips.
USDA Food Guide Pyramid
A research-based food guidance system—it goes beyond the ‘basic four food groups
Wellness and Nutrition Providers
a comprehensive guide to finding a nutritionist

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